JURNAL ILMIAH TEKNIK INDUSTRI <p><span style="font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit;"><strong>Jurnal Tehnik Industri,</strong> merupakan jurnal ilmiah sebagai bentuk pengabdian dalam hal pengembangan bidang Tehnik Industri dan bidang terkait lainnya. Jurnal Tehnik Industri diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Tehnik Industri Universitas Nasional PASIM. Redaksi mengundang para professional dari dunia usaha, pendidikan, peneliti untuk menulis mengenai perkembangan ilmu di bidang yang berkaitan dengan Tehnik Industri. Jurnal Tehnik Industri diterbitkan 2 (dua) kali dalam 1 tahun.</span></p> en-US Fri, 14 Feb 2025 07:05:51 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 ANALISIS PENGENDALIAN KUALITAS KECACATAN PRODUK PADA PROSES PRODUKSI KAIN MENGGUNAKAN METODE STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL <p>Quality control is a crucial aspect of the production process to ensure that the products meet the specified standards and minimize defects. This thesis aims to evaluate the application of Statistical Quality Control (SQC) methods in controlling defect products at PT Triana Harvestindo Nusantara. The research adopts a qualitative approach using defect data obtained from the production process over the past six months. The SQC methods employed include the use of statistical tools such as control charts, Pareto analysis, and Fishbone diagrams. The results show that the application of SQC is effective in identifying defect sources and reducing defect frequencies. Control charts help monitor and maintain production process stability, while Pareto analysis provides insights into the primary causes of defects. Additionally, process capability measurements indicate an improvement in process capability to meet product specifications after implementing recommended improvements. In conclusion, SQC methods have proven to be effective tools in controlling defect products, contributing significantly to product quality improvement and operational efficiency.</p> Fitra Muttaqin Rani, Rasidi Ilham (Author) Copyright (c) 2025 Fitra Muttaqin Rani, Rasidi Ilham (Author) Wed, 05 Feb 2025 13:09:48 +0700 PERENCANAAN DAN PERAMALAN PERSEDIAAN BAHAN BAKU PRODUKSI KAIN GREY DI DIVISI WEAVING PT.INSANSANDANG INTERNUSA <p><em>This study conducts an analysis, planning, and forecasting of raw material inventory for grey fabric production in the weaving division of PT. Insansandang Internusa using the Material Requirement Planning (MRP) method. PT. Insansandang Internusa is a company engaged in the textile industry. A common problem in the weaving division is inaccurate inventory planning, leading to frequent shortages or surpluses of raw materials. In this study, the forecasting methods used are moving average and exponential smoothing. In addition to using the MRP method, inventory planning also employs the EOQ and Lot for Lot techniques. The analysis results show that the company's inventory policy cost is Rp. 112,284, while the inventory cost using the EOQ technique is Rp. 29,263,459, and the cost using the Lot for Lot technique is Rp. 39,261,341. These results indicate that the EOQ calculation technique is more efficient than Lot for Lot or the company's current policy.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Sjamsuridjal, Muhamad Dafa (Author) Copyright (c) 2025 Sjamsuridjal, Muhamad Dafa (Author) Wed, 05 Feb 2025 13:12:27 +0700 USULAN PERENCANAAN DAN PERAMALAN PRODUKSI PADA PRODUKSI SEPATU DI CV. FORTUNA SHOES <p>The title of this research is “Usulan Perencanaan dan Peramalan Produksi Sepatu di CV. Fortuna Shoes”. The purpose of this research is to analyze production planning and forecast the number of shoes of needed over a periode of 1 year dan 3 years into the future. The reasearch focuses only on women’s shoes at CV. Fortuna Shoes. In addition to producing women’s shoes, CV. Fortuna Shoes also manufactures men’s shoes, and other accessories such as leather belts. The result of reseach show that: i) The production time for women’s shoes for the first 30 units (1 production time) is 15 working hours based on calculation results using the CPM method. ii) Forecasting result in the first year did not change machine requirements much, in fact, based on calculations using the MPS method and followed by RCCP methode, there was an excess use of machines compared to the number available is an excess use of sewing machines of 25 units out of the total required mechines of 20 units. iii) The Forecast for the next 3 years shows an increase in the need for machines, with the requirement for Nestor machines rising to 5 units, Saving machines to 5 units, and Stamping machines to 9 units.</p> Achiryah Bahar, Novi Irawanti Putri (Author) Copyright (c) 2025 Achiryah Bahar, Novi Irawanti Putri (Author) Wed, 05 Feb 2025 13:14:51 +0700 PERENCAAN ULANG TATA LETAK FASILITAS PRODUKSI SERTA USALAN KESELAMATAN KESEHATAN KERJA PADA PT. SERENA HARSA UTAMA <p><em>The design of the layout of production facilities is said to be very influential because it is related to the level of efficiency and success of industrial performance. A less effective production layout can hinder the work process time of the Company. In this case at PT Serena Harsa Utama there is an improper production layout flow, from raw materials to finished products. To redesign the layout of this production facility using the Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) method, you can find out the distance between departments that must be brought closer to facilitate work in the production process. </em></p> <p><em>In addition, in the production layout, there is a production floor that is slippery and dangerous for employees when doing production, and it appears that no one is using gloves in the product packing process, so there must be a proposal for occupational health and safety research to ensure that employees who carry out production are maintained in their health and safety. For occupational health and safety, the analysis uses the HIRA method to provide a risk evaluation of various types of accidents based on two main parameters: Likelihood and Severity.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Layout, ARC, HIRA Method</em></p> Rianti, Arizal Noorsalam (Author) Copyright (c) 2025 Rianti, Arizal Noorsalam (Author) Wed, 05 Feb 2025 13:17:22 +0700