• Nur Alamsyah Universitas Nasional Pasim
  • Moch fidri lazuardi mahendra Universitas Nasional Pasim
Keywords: wayang sukuraga, android, augmented reality, vuforia SDK


Sukabumi has a variety of arts and culture, one of which is wayang sukuraga. Wayang Sukuraga is a form of wayang which began to be performed in public since 1997. The story in this wayang does not take on wayang stories in general such as Ramayana and Mahabrata. The story in this way according to the names of characters taken from limbs such as mouth, ears, nose, eyes, hands and others. Wayang Sukuraga tells more about human conflicts internally and the conflicts of members of the human body. But not everyone has seen a puppet. In addition, interest in watching wayang shows diminishes. The technology that is currently developing is Augmented Reality which can display virtual 3-dimensional objects in a real environment. Application to introduce wayang sukuraga with mobile-based Augmented reality is an innovation in the application of technology that contains forms of 3-dimensional wayang sukuraga. This application was created with the vuforia SDK as a tool to develop Augmented Reality with Unity Game Engine. From the results of this study, this application can be a means of preserving and also providing information about the shape of the puppet sukuraga characters with more interesting and interactive.


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How to Cite
Nur Alamsyah, & Moch fidri lazuardi mahendra. (2020). PEMBANGUNAN APLIKASI UNTUK MEMPERKENALKAN WAYANG SUKURAGA DENGAN AUGMENTED REALITY BERBASIS MOBILE. Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, 11(1), 19-24. Retrieved from