Pembangunan Aplikasi Alat Ukur Social Skills Berbasis Web
Measuring tools in the Faculty of Psychology, Pasim National University, still manual and simple to be able to produce psychological test data from test results conducted by the test participants. In the implementation of the test is also still done base on papper, the participants will fill the psychological test questions contained on the paper distributed by the Student as a tester. So Students must share the questions first before starting the psychology test. So even in terms of calculation of test results that have been done by the participants, students must calculate one by one to get the value of each participant in a simple way. The purpose of this research is to assist testers in getting the value of each participant quickly and accurately, and produce information in order to become a reference lecturer in assessing the participants. The process of collecting data with the aim to solve the problem, the author uses data collection method descriptively that is by observation and interview. And to design software applications, the authors use waterfall development methods. To solve the above problems, then built a web-based application of psychological measurement tools. Thus this application is expected to facilitate Students and Lecturers in conducting psychological tests and provide information that can facilitate Lecturers in assessing participants.
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