• Nurul Inayah Fauziah Universitas Nasional Pasim
  • Tri Satriya Nugroho Universitas Nasional Pasim
Keywords: Swearing, Affective, Sociolinguistic.


Swearing is harsh speech based on dislike or hatred for something, event or someone. But now, cursing is no longer released because of dislike, instead swearing often become a spice in every word and swear words as phrases that bridge a familiarity.. This study obtained 21 words that contain affective swear words which were found from the 21 dialogues and several words that read the same way but had different meanings. These data directed by using qualitative methods focusing on indicating meaning, description, clarification and placement in their respective contexts and often describe them in the form of words rather than in the form of numbers. As for the analytical method used is the technique of sorting the determining elements or PUP technique. The presentation of the results of the discussion is carried out using an informal method, which is explained in ordinary words. Based on the results of the discussion of Japanese curses, there are 3 references to curse according to Hughes, namely, dirt, mental retardation, and animals. Swear words can be used to express anger, humiliation, intimacy, concerns, disappointment and motivation.


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How to Cite
Nurul Inayah Fauziah, & Tri Satriya Nugroho. (2021). BENTUK DAN FUNGSI UNGKAPAN UMPATAN SEBAGAI KATA AFEKTIF DALAM BAHASA JEPANG (KAJIAN SOSIOLINGUSTIK) . Jurnal Sastra - Studi Ilmiah Sastra, 11(2), 1-11. Retrieved from