• Dewi Saparina Halibanon Universitas Nasional PASIM
  • Dewi Sakinah Universitas Nasional PASIM
Keywords: MBKM, internship, global challenges, career development


International mobility in the era of globalization is an important means for students to improve their competitiveness and professional skills. This study discusses the potential and challenges faced by students of Universitas Nasional Pasim in the internship program in Japan, especially in relation to the era of globalization. The purpose of this study is to determine the opportunities and challenges faced by students of Universitas Nasional Pasim in MBKM activities, especially the internship program to Japan. This study examines strategies that can be implemented by students and Universitas Nasional Pasim to optimally utilize internship opportunities in Japan and overcome obstacles. The method used is a qualitative method using observation and interviews with students participating in the internship program. The results of the study prove that through this program, students are better prepared to face global competition and make this internship program a strategic step in building an international career. The challenges are students' Japanese language skills, cultural differences that cause cultural shock, especially at the beginning of the internship activity.




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How to Cite
Dewi Saparina Halibanon, & Dewi Sakinah. (2024). MELANGKAH KE JEPANG MEMANFAATKAN PELUANG INTERNSHIP DAN MENGHADAPI TANTANGAN GLOBAL. Jurnal Sastra - Studi Ilmiah Sastra, 14(2), 96-106. ilmiah sastra.v14i2.512