Jurnal Sastra - Studi Ilmiah Sastra 2025-02-12T21:30:24+07:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Studi ilmiah sastra, terbitan ini berisi artikel ilmu sastra yang diterbitkan secara berkala 6 bulanan.</p> TYPES OF POLITENESS STRATEGIES IN JOE BIDEN’S CAMPAIGN SPEECH 2024-12-31T13:50:25+07:00 Kandaga Surya Ardina Pathir Ruminda Udayani Permanaludin <p>Politeness is a ways how individuals utilize language to uphold positive social relationships, preserve face, and navigate the intricacies of social interaction. The research aims to explore and understand the politeness strategies employed by Joe Biden in his campaign speeches using the politeness theory proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987). In his campaign speech, Joe Biden employed politeness strategies to foster trust and belief in his words, reflecting a deliberate selection of language in accordance with English rules. Moreover, the perception of politeness may vary across different cultural and environmental contexts. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative through practical explanation of theory and research through descriptive narratives. The results the study identified a total of 154 instances of politeness strategies, with a predominant use of bald-on-record strategies 66 instances, followed by positive politeness strategies 63 instances. The lesser use of off-record 13 instances and negative politeness strategies 12 instances.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kandaga Surya Ardina Pathir, Ruminda, Udayani Permanaludin (Author) TEACHING ENGLISH BY USING COMMUNICATIVE TASK BASED LEARNING 2024-12-31T12:42:01+07:00 Firmansyah Diyata <p>Communicative task-based learning is a teaching method that combines communicative approach and task-based learning process. This method provides some spaces of interactions and the tasks that support those interaction. The spaces of interactions between teacher and students and among students are provided by the lead in questions about the topic of the text that are asked by the teacher before he instructs the students to do the tasks in the text, during the discussion when the teacher discusses the solution of the tasks, and after the students do the tasks through some questions about the text’s content. By analysing this paper, teacher is hoped to have another reference to create a method of teaching that provides some spaces to assist students to speak in English and help to grow their creativity in creating meaningful tasks that can help the students understand the functions and the rules of grammar in real contexts presented by a text that its level of difficulty is adjusted based on students’ English background.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-31T12:37:57+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Firmansyah Diyata PENGGUNAAN PODCAST SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BUDAYA JEPANG 2024-12-31T14:10:27+07:00 Sigit Kurniawan <p>Pada penelitian ini, peneliti ingin mengetahui bagaimana proses dan tanggapan dari para responden terhadap penggunaan <em>podcast </em>sebagai media pembelajaran budaya Jepang pada mata kuliah <em>Nihon Jijou</em>. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan adalah 10 mahasiswa Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa observasi, pengisian angket, dan wawancara.</p> <p>Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, dapat diketahui bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa berpendapat dengan digunakannya <em>podcast </em>sebagai media pembelajaran membuat mereka mudah diakses. Namun, responden sulit untuk memahami materi pembelajaran, karena level bahasa Jepang yang digunakan terlalu tinggi.</p> 2024-12-31T14:10:23+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sigit Kurniawan (Author) MALE GAZE DAN KONTROL PATRIARKI ATAS KECANTIKAN DAN TUBUH PEREMPUAN DALAM TIGA CERPEN REMAJA: CANTIK, MISTERI POLAROID DAN KISAH SEORANG PEREMPUAN YANG MENGGUNAKAN TUBUHNYA UNTUK MENDAPATKAN CINTA 2025-01-03T21:42:51+07:00 Cindy Zahra Devita <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><em>The construction of women's bodies and beauty has become a demand and necessity imposed by patriarchal culture, particularly in the entertainment industry. In three short stories for young adults—“Cantik” by Katanieke, “Misteri Polaroid” by Intan Paramadhita, and “Kisah Seorang Perempuan yang Menggunakan Tubuhnya untuk Mendapatkan Cinta” by Primadita Rahma—the idealization of women's bodies and beauty is explored. This ideal beauty, characterized by a slim, tall figure with fair skin, is dictated by patriarchal norms that pressure women to conform to these standards. Bartky (1997) argues that the standards of femininity, including physical appearance, body language, and behavior, are perpetuated by patriarchal power. Women are required to self-discipline according to these norms to achieve the 'ideal' body and beauty. Media and technology reinforce this control by promoting an 'ideal' body image. These three short stories depict how women are confronted with societal pressure to display their bodies and beauty according to patriarchal standards.</em></p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cindy Zahra Devita (Author) AN ANALYSIS OF MODAL AUXILIARY “Can” IN THE BOOK RULES OF LIFE BY RICHARD TEMPLAR 2025-01-07T13:17:03+07:00 Edi Purnama Siti Sopiah <p>The title of this study that an analysis of Modal Auxiliary “Can” in the book of The Way of Life. The aim of this study that is to find out how many words modal auxiliaries “Can” that it can be found. The theories are used from Haliday in the basic learning of Language and Swam and Palmer the modality in general&nbsp; and more specific of modal “Can” is from&nbsp; Biber. The descriptive method is used in this study. The taken data is from the book of The Way of Life by Richard Templar. The data are selected and analyze. The result of the study that the biggest proportional of modal Auxiliary “Can” is 42 Percent is possibility, and the second propor</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Sopiah,Edi Purnama (Author) PERAN GESTUR KEPALA DALAM TUTURAN AJAKAN BAHASA JEPANG 2025-01-03T21:46:42+07:00 Rani Wulansari Ariana <p>Penelitian ini meneliti mengenai komunikasi nonverbal yang digunakan pada tuturan bentuk ajakan Bahasa Jepang khususnya melalui komunikasi nonverbal melalui <em>gesture</em> kepala. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran gestur kepala dalam tuturan ajakan dalam bahasa Jepang, serta bagaimana gerakan ini memperkuat tuturan verbal yang disampaikan. penelitian ini mengidentifikasi berbagai jenis gestur kepala—seperti anggukan, menggeleng, dan sedikit menunduk—yang digunakan untuk menandakan ajakan, persetujuan, atau undangan dalam interaksi sosial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gestur kepala tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai penanda persetujuan, tetapi juga sebagai isyarat ajakan yang dapat memperjelas maksud pembicara, mengundang lawan bicara untuk terlibat dalam percakapan, atau menunjukkan sikap terbuka dalam komunikasi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa gestur kepala dalam tuturan ajakan bahasa Jepang memainkan peran penting dalam memperkuat dan memperjelas niat komunikasi, serta membangun hubungan sosial yang lebih harmonis.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-31T19:56:53+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rani Wulansari Ariana (Author) HASEI DOUSHI (派生動詞) SEBAGAI BAHASA SLANG BERPREFIKS ONI (鬼~) DALAM MEDIA SOSIAL X 2025-01-03T21:44:46+07:00 Nani Sunarni <p>Penelitian ini berfokus pada bahasa slang berupa <em>hasei doushi</em> (派生動詞) atau verba turunan&nbsp; berprefiks <em>oni</em>~ (鬼~) sebagai salah satu adanya variasi bahasa. Sumber data yang digunakan yaitu berupa media sosial X. Data berupa verba turunan berprefiks <em>oni</em>~ yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif berdasarkan pendekatan morfosemantik. Dari hasil analisis data teridentifikasi bahwa dalam bahasa baku kata <em>oni</em> (鬼) sebagai kata tunggal yang memiliki makna leksikal mengacu pada makhluk legendaris dengan penampilan menakutkan, kulit berwarna merah, biru, atau kuning, dan bertanduk. &nbsp;Namun, seiring dengan adanya pergeseran makna penggunaannya dalam bahasa slang di media sosial X, maka leksikon <em>oni </em>mengalami perubahan fungsi yaitu sebagai prefiks dalam&nbsp; kata turunan berstruktur <em>oni</em>+verba yang berfungsi untuk menggambarkan seseorang yang sangat kuat, tangguh, atau luar biasa dalam suatu hal tertentu.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nani Sunarni (Author) BRITISH AND AMERICAN ACCENTS ANALYSIS OF THE CONTESTANTS OF THE PUBLIC SPEAKING ACADEMY COMPETITION IN 2017: SOCIOLINGUISTIC PERSPECTIVE 2025-01-06T16:45:26+07:00 Riyanti Sri Astuti Ayang Winda Sri Widianingsih Nurfithri <p>The research entitled British And American Accents Analysis Of The Contestants Of The Public Speaking Academy Competition In 2017. This research aims to analyze the pronunciation of the British accent and the pronunciation of the American English accent. Using qualitative descriptive methodology, this study collected and analyzed speech data from two YouTube videos. This analysis focuses on identifying the distinct phonological features that characterize British and American accents. The findings show differences in pronunciation between British and American accents. The British accent displays strikingly non-rhotic features, as seen in the omission of the letter 'r' at the end of words, in contrast to the rhotic nature of the American accent which emphasizes the clear pronunciation of the consonant 'r'. Additionally, British accents often use long vowels, while American accents tend to favor short vowels with greater clarity. Additionally, American accents often exhibit diphthongization or reduction of unrounded vowels, which contributes to the complexity of phonological variation. This study emphasises the importance of recognising the phonological differences between British and American accents, especially in the context of public speaking competitions. The observed discrepancies reflect the many language landscapes influenced by historical, geographical, and cultural influences. This study advances our understanding of linguistic variety and accent variance within English-speaking populations by throwing light on these distinctions. Further research should look into the effects of accent differences on communication and perception in multicultural and global environments.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: sociolinguistics, accents, british, english american, phonological</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Riyanti Sri Astuti; Ayang Winda Sri Widianingsih; Nurfithri (Author) FLOUTING MAXIM IN THE DIALOGUE OF YOUNG SHELDON TV SERIES 2025-02-12T21:30:24+07:00 Fristi Arfiawati Eka Angelia <p>The research of Flouting Maxim in the Dialogue of Young Sheldon TV Series is purposed to investigate the types of flouting maxim in the dialogue of Young Sheldon in TV Series. This research used the theory proposed by Grice (1975).&nbsp; The research applied descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data which were taken from website of American TV Series.&nbsp; The obtain data were classified and analyzed.&nbsp; In addition,&nbsp; the result shows that there are 12 data of flouting maxim which comprises into 4 data of Maxim Quality, 3 data of Maxim Quantity, 3 data of Maxim Manner and 2 data of Maxim Relation. Therefore, there are 33% of Maxim Quality, 25 % Maxim Quantity, 25 % Maxim Manner and 17 % Maxim Relation. Thus, the most dominant flouting maxim in this research is Maxim of Quality which means that the characters say things they don't have enough proof for or that they think are untrue.. Further, the dialogues have&nbsp; unclear information and each characters telling their side of answer without any proof.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fristi Arfiawati, Eka Angelia (Author) MELANGKAH KE JEPANG MEMANFAATKAN PELUANG INTERNSHIP DAN MENGHADAPI TANTANGAN GLOBAL 2025-02-12T21:28:44+07:00 Dewi Saparina Halibanon Dewi Sakinah <p><em>International mobility in the era of globalization is an important means for students to improve their competitiveness and professional skills. This study discusses the potential and challenges faced by students of Universitas Nasional Pasim in the internship program in Japan, especially in relation to the era of globalization. The purpose of this study is to determine the opportunities and challenges faced by students of Universitas Nasional Pasim in MBKM activities, especially the internship program to Japan. This study examines strategies that can be implemented by students and Universitas Nasional Pasim to optimally utilize internship opportunities in Japan and overcome obstacles. The method used is a qualitative method using observation and interviews with students participating in the internship program. The results of the study prove that through this program, students are better prepared to face global competition and make this internship program a strategic step in building an international career. The challenges are students' Japanese language skills, cultural differences that cause cultural shock, especially at the beginning of the internship activity.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Saparina Halibanon, Dewi Sakinah (Author)