Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Barcode Untuk Proses Pendapatan Operator Jahit PT Adira Semesta Industri

  • Edi Junaedi Universitas Nasional Pasim
  • Ellen Lutfah Azahra Universitas nasional Pasim
Keywords: information system, barcode, sewing operator.


This study aims to develop an information system to process sewing operator income. Operator income is known from the output data of each operator. The proposed barcode-based information
system design aims to eliminate problems that occur in the company when calculating sewing operator income. The design of this information system uses a barcode scanner as an automation
tool for recording goods data. Barcode stickers will replace all existing stock cards and other visual control tools, such as material identity forms, part identity stickers, ready-to-supply material

stickers, and check sheets. The automation process by scanning barcodes at the time of incoming and outgoing goods transactions can minimize the occurrence of data manipulation. Goods data in
the process will be automatically stored in the database after scanning the barcode sticker, making it easier for user activities to obtain information about goods data. The data used in this study is
primary data based on observations and interviews with the production department. The use of barcodes turns out to be able to have a good impact on the results of the information conveyed,
such as the ease of sending and increasing the accuracy of the received database, as well as controlling or monitoring performance.


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How to Cite
Edi Junaedi, & Ellen Lutfah Azahra. (2023). Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Barcode Untuk Proses Pendapatan Operator Jahit PT Adira Semesta Industri. JURNAL ILMIAH TEKNIK INDUSTRI, 3(1), 13-23. Retrieved from