This study conducts an analysis, planning, and forecasting of raw material inventory for grey fabric production in the weaving division of PT. Insansandang Internusa using the Material Requirement Planning (MRP) method. PT. Insansandang Internusa is a company engaged in the textile industry. A common problem in the weaving division is inaccurate inventory planning, leading to frequent shortages or surpluses of raw materials. In this study, the forecasting methods used are moving average and exponential smoothing. In addition to using the MRP method, inventory planning also employs the EOQ and Lot for Lot techniques. The analysis results show that the company's inventory policy cost is Rp. 112,284, while the inventory cost using the EOQ technique is Rp. 29,263,459, and the cost using the Lot for Lot technique is Rp. 39,261,341. These results indicate that the EOQ calculation technique is more efficient than Lot for Lot or the company's current policy.
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