Analisis Perancangan Tata Letak Pabrik Menggunakan METODE ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIP CHART (ARC)
Layout design is important in managing material flow, productivity and relationships between people in the factory. There are 8 work stations in the factory. The layout currently used by the factory is considered not optimal, because the placement of each work station only utilizes the available free space and does not pay attention to the distance between work stations.This research aims to find out the initial layout of the factory and compare the initial layout with the proposed layout using a descriptive method with an Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) method approach which shows whether it is important for a department to be brought closer or not in order to create company work efficiency. Then a comparison is made between the distance traveled from the initial layout and the proposed layout.Calculations carried out on the initial layout had a total travel distance of 61.6 meters, while in the proposed layout calculation the total travel distance was reduced to 43.5 meters
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