The Influence of Service Quality and Facilities on Satisfaction at the Sukajadi District Office, Bandung City
The Influence of Service Quality and Facilities on Satisfaction at the Sukajadi District Office, Bandung City
This research is a study of the influence of service quality and facilities on satisfaction in the Sukajadi District office, Bandung city. This study aims to: 1) determine the effect of service quality on satisfaction at the Sukajadi District office, Bandung City. 2) the effect of facilities on satisfaction at the Sukajadi District Office, Bandung City. 3) the effect of service quality and facilities on satisfaction at the Sukajadi District Office, Bandung City.
This research method uses a quantitative approach. Quantitative research answers the question of the effect of service quality and facilities on satisfaction at the Sukajadi sub-district office, Bandung city. This study uses a survey method that aims to determine the effect between variables. To find out this, multiple linear regression analysis is used with the t test and f test. the number of samples studied was 100 visitors to the Sukajadi sub-district office, Bandung city. Data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires. As for testing data analysis using validity, reliability, classic assumption test and multiple linear test.
Based on the results of the t test obtained Tcount 2.181 and 16.377 with a significance of 0.032 and 0.000. because of the significance <0.05, it can be said that the quality of service and facilities has an effect on satisfaction. The variable that has the greatest influence on satisfaction is the facility. The results of the test f test count 169,992 > Ftable 3.090 with a significance of 0.000 <0.05 which states that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that there is an influence of service quality and facilities on satisfaction at the Sukajadi District Office, Bandung City. The things that need to be strengthened include a number of things such as: 1) the need for training for sub-district office employees, especially the service department to be able to resolve visitor complaints. 2) always check the facilities and infrastructure in the area around the Sukajadi sub-district office, Bandung City, especially in the service area which is the main destination for visitors taking care of their needs. 3) always be careful in checking visitor data so that there are no errors in printing.
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